Petrit Selimi

Petrit Selimi (1979) is one of Kosovo's civil society activists and media experts. Born in Prishtina, Selimi was quite young when in 1995 he co-founded "Postpessimists", the first network of youth NGOs in the former Yugoslavia. The organization later won Global Youth Peace and Tolerance Award.[1]

After finishing studies in Norway, Selimi returned to participate in various civic initiatives, serving as a member of the Board of Directors of George Soros Foundation in Kosovo. He later helped found Balkan Children and Youth Foundation, serving for two terms as a member of the Board of Directors, alongside President Martti Ahtisaari, CNN Chief International Correspondent Christiane Amanpour and others.[2]

Selimi was also one of the initial founders of the daily newspaper Express, serving as the first CEO. In 2004 he founded and still owns Stripdepot, comics bookshop/cafe, situated in downtown Prishtina.[3][4]

In 2008 Selimi won prestigious Chevening Scholarship from British Council, continuing media studies at London School of Economics.

Selimi worked as private public relations consultant in Kosovo, [5][6][7][8]until June 2011, when he got appointed by the Prime Minister of Kosovo Hashim Thaci as a Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Kosovo. [9][10][11]


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